Monday 15 February 2010

Lesson 5 - Step 3 (Abstract Conceptualisation)

Today we went back into groups and reviewed our game concept with the theory to make sure we have met the essential elements for a game so we reapplied the theory of games design to our game design and explained it to the missing member of the team last week which was helpful since reviewing the theory with our game and explaining our game with the theory showed that we knew what we were doing and that we were confident that we have met the specification to making a game.

These elements are objectives, procedures and rules. Below you can see this being applied to our game.


Place the collected cards into the gallery to score enough points to win the game.


Start turn

Player can do one of the following:

  • Pick up Art card(only if player has less than 8 card)
  • Pick up chance card
  • Trade with players
  • Play chance card
  • Put Art in Gallery

Add points if gained

Next player


Cards (art):

  • Maximum of 8 in hand
  • Can only pick up if you have less than 8 cards in hand
  • only one card can be traded per turn
  • only one card can be placed in gallery per turn 

The game is a 3 to 4 player game and will roughly last for an hour. It will be a board game and you can only do 1 choice per turn, the conflict in our game will be against the players. 

Next week on Lesson 6 we will be building a prototype of our game for others to play as we have read a small document about paper prototypes and the benefits of it for games design such as it can allow the designer to find flaws before building the actual product.

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