Sunday 24 January 2010

Lesson 2 - RELEASE - Create for Tate

A new group was formed and we had to create a game that could be for the Tate’s museum and gallery shop. The group began to brainstorm what our target audience will be and we chose our target audience which was students from 16+ to adults about the age of 26. We then decided to create a client in which we wanted to sell our game, the profile we created for the person was a 21 years old female called Melody Chord, she’s a popular transfer art student that gets a high family income so she is wealthy and enjoys socialising. After creating the full profile of the client we took into account the personal aspects to decide the type of game which is something that contains interactivity with a group of people such as pictionary. The profile of the client was then read out to the other groups and they gave suggestions to what type of game we could create for this person and now we are deciding what our game should be. 

The first step of creating a client by choosing a target audience and personality falls under step 1 which is concrete experience and discussing our client to other groups should be reflective observation since other people will be trying to find flaws in this process step but no flaws were mention so we felt that this client was a solid idea to build our game upon.

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